Step One: Have a home offer accepted

Congratulations on having a home offer accepted within the Tamworth Pines Cooperative! 🥳😁

Step Two: Read Park Bylaws

Find the park bylaws Here.

Step Four: Contact Donna Jones

You can contact Donna Jones by cell phone @ (301) 401-1423

Step Three: Read Park Rules

Find the park rules Here.

Step Five: Submit your application

Donna Jones, or a member from the Board of Directors will contact you to schedule an interview.

Step Six: Conduct an Interview

The Board of Directors will ask you questions and provide additional information about the park. Immediately after the interview, the board will vote on whether or not to accept you into Tamworth Pines. After the vote is conducted, the board will invite you back into the room and inform you of the board’s decision.

Step Seven: Schedule Closing

At closing two members from the Board of Directors will join you, in which they will have you sign the paperwork, and coordinate the payment of your $500 membership fee, if you did not pay it during your interview.